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Investment Advisory Services


Today’s financial system has drifted far from sound economic principles that historically have led to lasting wealth and prosperity.  Repeated monetary easing from central banks has been propping up the world’s leading economies, while the suppression of interest rates to unfathomable lows has been delaying the costly consequences of soaring debts and deficits.

The investment managers at Orchestral Financial are keenly aware of how these unprecedented policy actions may lead to difficult times that could deeply affect our financial lives.  We monitor these markets diligently, and respond decisively to developments as they occur by making appropriate adjustments to the investments under our management.  The financial industry generally refers to such flexible investment techniques as “absolute return” strategies.

Our absolute return strategy generally entails ongoing adjustments to each model portfolio's allocation among asset classes, the inclusion of non-traditional asset classes, and the flexibility to embrace multiple asset management techniques.  We believe this flexibility gives us the potential to respond effectively to the changes that occur so frequently in today's financial markets.

We design and continually update a series of model portfolios that are structured with the intent to protect your assets and grow them over reasonable periods of time.  We help you select the model portfolio that is in alignment with your most meaningful values as well as your investment objectives, time horizon and risk tolerance.  In all cases, we provide you with regular, thorough reviews of your investment positions and portfolio performance.

Our annual investment management fee ranges from 1% to 1.5% depending on the size of the portfolio.




[The information presented here is not intended as advice to buy or sell any investment. We only provide specific investment recommendations to you in a private meeting, and then only after careful evaluation of all the relevant circumstances.]